Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Chapter 15: California

(The Colorado River diving California and Arizona)

     California and Arizona are similar in many ways.  Both share a border with Mexico, contributing to their large Mexican population.  Both their agriculture relies heavily on irrgated water.  California and Arizona also share the water that borers them.

(Parker Dam, Arizona)
     The Colorado River is a major source for both California and Arizona.  Much of  southern California's drinking water comes from the Colorado River Aqueduct, which also provides water for central Arizona.  Along the Colorado River are several dams that utilize the water for hydroelectric power for both Arizona and California.  The dams most contributing to California's power are the Hoover, the Imperial, and the Parker Dams. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geography_of_Arizona#Rivers)

     California also helps Arizona out in a big way.  Arizona receives 60% of its gasoline the Arizona's West Line that runs from Los Angeles to Phoenix.  It takes 7 days for a gallon of gasoline to reach Phoenix through the West Line. (http://www.azgovernor.gov/estf/distribution.pdf)


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