Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Chapter 7: The Bypassed East

     After trying to find a relationship between Arizona and the Bypassed East region, I found they couldn't be more opposite.  Climate, temperatures, and physiography have little in common, except for both areas being home to mountain ranges called the White Mountains.  Both regions are, however, home to different species of White Pine.  Both also share a mining past as well.  Arizona had and still continues to have a successful copper mining industry while the Adirondack Mountains of the Bypassed East were once home to a 100 year mining period of Iron Ore.  Today, the reserves are still substantial, but outputs are low.  However, Maine does account for 80-90% of the nation's lobster catch.  So if you're eating lobster down in Phoenix, there's a good chance it came from the Bypassed East.

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